Yarn Help!

Welcome to YarnHelp.app. This is a site for knitters and crocheters of all levels who want yarn math help, as well as their friends and family that just want to know "how much yarn" to give them as a gift. Right now (March, 2023) the focus is on that page. Later on, you'll find yarn math help and tools for:
  • Calculating gauge
  • How many stitches to cast on for sweaters, socks, hats, and other projects
  • Weight equivlents for holding yarn double
  • Needle and hook size convertors
  • French language versions of some of the pages
Note: This site is currently only optimized for mobile devices. It works, but the layout is off on laptops and larger screens. I'm focusing on the functionality first because there's been requests for the Yarn Gift Calculator.

Version 2.1 March 27, 2023

This updated version includes a page for a Doctor Who Scarf and calculations for how many balls to make scarfs, plus cat mats and baby blankets in The Yarn Gift Calculator What is published is what has been completed up to March 27, 2023 around 3pm EST.

Version 2.0 March 17 2023

The idea for this site started in March 2022, and was first published as a one page website with a really basic design in September, 2022. Currently, as of March 2023, development is focusing on a mobile friendly version of the "How Much Yarn page" followed by a responsive design of the entire site for larger screen sizes. I'll also be collaborating with a friend who's a senior dev to create a progressive web app version (pwa) of The Yarn Gift Helper page so people can install it on their phones and use it offline. (Some yarn shops have basements with spotty cell reception!)